Practicamente finalizada la semana de la moda madrileña repasamos los momentos que nadie olvidará de esta edición.
1- La actuación de Alaska, Mario Vaquerizo y Bimba Bosé en el desfile de David Delfín que cerró su colección otoño-invierno 2012/2013.
2-El desfile de lenceria de TCN que dejó a más de uno con la boca abierta.
3- Las lágrimas de Juncal Rivero. A cuadros nos
quedamos todos al ver a Juncal Rivero abrir el desfile de Maya Hansen. Y
más aún cuando observábamos las lágrimas que caían por sus mejillas
mientras lo hacía.
4-Pies para que os quiero. Las modelos y sus "peleas" con los zapatos han sido, sin lugar a dudas, la anécdota de la jornada. Ya en el primer desfile de la mañana, el de Roberto Verino, una modelo se caía sobre la pasarela sin poder evitarlo. En el de Duyos otra directamente optaba por descalzarse y otra con varias tallas más en el desfile de Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada.
Practically complete fashion week in Madrid reviewed the moments that no one will forget this issue.
1 - The performance of Alaska, Mario Vaquerizo and Bimba Bose in the parade of David Dolphin which closed its autumn-winter 2012/2013.
2-The TCN lingerie parade that left more than one with an open mouth.
3 - The tears of Juncal Rivero. The pictures we were all seeing Juncal Rivero open the parade of Maya Hansen. And again when we watched the tears falling down her cheeks as she did.
4-Feets thank you!. The models and their "fights" with the shoes have been, without doubt, the story of the day. Already in the first parade of the morning, Roberto Verino, a model on the catwalk fell helplessly. On the other directly from Duyos chose to remove their shoes and another with several sizes in the parade of Agatha Ruiz de la Prada.
1 - The performance of Alaska, Mario Vaquerizo and Bimba Bose in the parade of David Dolphin which closed its autumn-winter 2012/2013.
2-The TCN lingerie parade that left more than one with an open mouth.
3 - The tears of Juncal Rivero. The pictures we were all seeing Juncal Rivero open the parade of Maya Hansen. And again when we watched the tears falling down her cheeks as she did.
4-Feets thank you!. The models and their "fights" with the shoes have been, without doubt, the story of the day. Already in the first parade of the morning, Roberto Verino, a model on the catwalk fell helplessly. On the other directly from Duyos chose to remove their shoes and another with several sizes in the parade of Agatha Ruiz de la Prada.
Increíble el parade otoño-invierno de David Delfín